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Hey, I'm Zeb Wu

Software Engineer

As a highly motivated Fullstack Developer with a strong focus on frontend development, I have 2 years of professional experience and a proven track record of success in top global companies such as Tiktok, WeChat, and Alibaba. My in-depth knowledge of modern web technologies and unwavering passion for staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the field make me a valuable asset to any team. I am confident in my abilities to deliver exceptional results and exceed expectations.

Programming has been my passion since childhood. At the age of 12, I began learning to code in Java with the goal of creating Minecraft Mods, although my initial attempts were not successful🤣. After getting accepted into a university to study Computer Science, my love for programming only grew stronger. I continued to code and learn, and today, I am a skilled developer with a deep understanding of various programming languages and frameworks as well as experience of developing commercial applications that serve millions of users.

Work Experience

I have had the privilege of working at some of the world's top companies, both in the past and currently.


Frontend Engineer


Feb 2022 — Present

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, Node, Less, webpack, CI/CD

  • Developed interactive websites for game distribution in WeChat using Vue.js, Vuex, Canvas and modern web tehchnologies, which provide lightning-fast performance for more than 10 million users.
  • Identified the performance bottleneck of the website, conducted an in-depth analysis, and refined the rendering performance. Successfully reduced the First Contentful Paint (FCP) time from 1400ms to 400ms by optimizing the rendering pipeline, resulting in a 12% increase in landing rate.
  • Architected and developed a comprehensive Command Line Interface tool from scratch, equipped with a versatile plugin system. This tool effectively serves as a workflow and compilation tool for the entire development team.
  • Significantly enhanced the average compilation speed by 40\% through the optimization of streamline procedures and fine-tuning of the webpack configuration.
  • Eliminated time-waste by automating repetitive work and integrated into CI/CD pipeline.
  • Received a return offer from this internship, accompanied by an exceptional promotion bestowed upon me due to my outstanding performance.

Full Stack Developer


May 2021 — Sep 2021

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Redux, Node, Serverless

  • Designed and implemented visually compelling and interactive user interfaces for monitoring dashboards, utilizing React, Redux, AntV, and TypeScript. Successfully identified and addressed performance limitations in the charts, resulting in a significant enhancement of Time to Interactive (TTI) from 800ms to under 90ms
  • Developed and maintained Node.js and Serverless services for Taobao content feeds, which provided stable service for millions of users
  • Addressed deficiencies and inefficiency in development procedures, introduced and implemented a tool enabling effortless creation of FaaS applications

Frontend Developer


Mar 2021 — May 2021

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Node, Sass

  • Developed multiple promotion websites in Tiktok using React, Redux, TypeScript, which received more than 20 million of PV on a daily basis.
  • Analyzed and addressed the limitations of utilizing React Props as a way of managing state, took the initiative to migrate the state management solution from React Props to @redux/toolkit.
  • Conducted a tech talk within the team on topics covering the source code and common best practices of Redux, and received positive feedback afterwards.
Tencent Application Center

Frontend Developer

Tencent Application Center

Jul 2020 — Oct 2020

Technologies: JavaScript

  • Leveraged React, Redux, and @mui/x-charts to create dynamic statistical graphs and charts, delivering a seamless and immersive user experience.
  • Developed reusable and testable components, implementing unit tests and snapshot tests to ensure their reliability and functionality.


I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, which has given me a solid foundation in software development.

Nanchang University

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

Sep 2018-Jun 2022

Nanchang University

Course Contents: Operating System

Interested in what I have to offer?

I am happy to have a chat about relevant projects to work on. Below you find a download link for my latest resume.